Friday, 11 May 2012

A new adventure: cpd23

It's been a while since I last did any blogging. My previous flurry of activity was due to my participation in Cam23, a 23 Things programme which encouraged the investigation and evaluation of various online and social media technologies. I got a lot out of that experience and feel that taking part in cpd23 will be another valuable opportunity to try out some new tools. I am also attracted however by the Things that are less "technology-focussed", things that should prove really useful in thinking about career development. In particular, Online presence, Getting involved, Careers, and Promoting yourself really stand out. I hope through the course of the programme to develop my (currently low-key) online professional presence. I was rather timid about my online voice during Cam23 and now feel that I would really like to raise my profile. I would like to get more actively involved in online library discussions and activities as they provide a great opportunity for sharing ideas and knowledge and are a great arena for learning and meeting new people. I hope that cpd23 will spur me on to achieve this. Am looking forward to the challenge!