My iGoogle Page
However, I find the page can be very slow to load, and I am not so keen on using it as a means of managing rss feeds. I find that Bloglines works well, as it clearly displays new items and allows you to save any that you want to read again, or don't have time to finish looking at. From what I can see, you need to have a good look at the rss feed boxes on the iGoogle page to identify new items, which would be fairly time consuming if you had lots! I suppose Google Reader is a more suitable tool for managing large numbers of RSS feeds, and is therefore quite similar to Bloglines.
Overall, I found this a very interesting exercise as I hadn't really heard much about Start pages before. As a means of pulling together and organising useful tools and information from the vast amount of material that is available on the web, and allowing the creation of a single collection that is relevant to an individual, I think it is a highly valuable device.
Hello there! Added your lovely new blog to the main list on the Cam23 site this morning.