Sunday, 8 August 2010


I really like the look of Delicious. I have recently spent a lot of time organising and adding to my Favourites in my browser, and my list of favourite sites keeps growing quite dramatically. I have been concerned that should anything happen to my laptop, all of these would be lost and I'd have to start again from scratch (a rather daunting prospect). So the idea that my favourite sites could be accessed from anywhere is extremely appealing. I also like the fact that a website can be tagged with multiple subjects (I often have an internal debate about which folder to best save a site into under my Favourites!) I think it is also useful that you can see how many others have saved a site-by clicking on the numer of people you seem to be able to view a list of users who also saved that site, and then by looking at their pages you may be able to discover other related sites that could be of interest to you?

In terms of using Delicious from a library point of view, I think that it could be extremely useful for a Faculty library because a particular subject can be focused on. In a College library I am rather less sure what sites it would be useful to collect for students, perhaps general online tools and resources? It's great to hear that tag and link roll features could be added to a library webpage, making Delicious material easily accessible to users. I particularly like what Nashville Public Library have done with Delicious on their library website-creating a Delicious tag cloud of different topics that teenagers may like to find information on. This not only looks great, but is extremely accessible.

I will definitely be signing up to Delicious (yet another account to create, groan-but it seems just too good a tool to pass by)!

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