Wednesday, 11 August 2010

Google Docs

So Google Docs. Wow, what a great idea. It was extremely easy to use (for writing a basic document anyway), and I think will be enormously useful. I would probably tend to upload documents, presentations and spreadsheets from my pc rather than creating them from scratch within Google Docs itself, just because I like using Word etc., although I might try it out and see what it's like. As I will soon be starting my MA, I can see that this will be extremely helpful for any collaborative work I need to do, and can also appreciate that group projects within the library world would benefit from this tool. It also appeals because it provides a backup for my documents (I always worry that something might happen to my pc, and fear my work would be lost). While I've never been completely swamped with email attachments, it does seem a much less messy way to deal with documents that several people need to work on, and prevents the need of having to save multiple copies of the same thing on to your pc, which can get incredibly confusing. Definitely a tool I will recommend to others the next time I need to work collaboratively, hooray!

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